About us

BALM SHELL ORGANICS is all about making people look and feel beautiful, no matter if they suffer from a skin disease or disorder; or if it's concerns of aging skin. Balm Shell Organics has something for everyone.

Balm Shell Organics is a company you can take pride in. I know I do.


Hi my name is Michele R. Darby and I am currently a student at Jolie Health and Beauty Academy for Esthetics. I am a soon to be graduate who has held a 4.0 GPA academically and a 4.0 GPA for my Clinical Training. I have won several awards, and one of those was academics. During my training here at Jolie Health and Beauty Academy, I did comprehensive studying on the skin, skin disorders and diseases, skin analysis, anatomy and Physiology, infection control; to the treatment room, facial treatments, massages, facial machines, and hair removal. There is so much more but this could get real lengthy. The point I am trying to make is I am very well trained and in a matter of 4 weeks or so, I will be graduating.
Bomb Shell Organics came about because I suffer from a skin disorder called Seborrheic dermatitis. I was tired of constantly going on steroidal creams and being referred to buy lotions that didn't work, but only made my condition worse. So I decided to do my own research to find a an all natural organic lotion that I could use to help my condition. Guess what? I did!!! Not only did I create my own lotion, but everybody in school wanted me to make them some of whatever I had on. I thought, " this is unbelievable, all I did was try to help myself and now people want to pay me to make this lotion". I had only been in school for two weeks when I made my first product. Bomb Shell Organics was officially documented by the state before the month was out. I had a business within the first month of school. I then made it my life passion to helping people with skin disorders or skin diseases. I also make anti aging products, and fragrances. O, and skin care products. My products are safe. It feels good to know that I am an all natural organic company. Feel free to check out my products. I cater to both men and women. Give me some time to get the men's fragrances up. Thank you.